Monday 26 April 2010


Hmmmnn, lol. I'm feeling a bit funny (unhappy feeling) today, I don't know if its because I know the amount of coursework I have left to do, or if it is because of some of the people around me and their behaviour (although I have to take note that no one is perfect). I have realised you cant please everyone, but when your in the Spirit, you do the best God has placed in you to do so therefore, I am happy and hope I always be in the Spirit.

God definately helps those who help themselves (although out of His mercy, He can still help no doubt), but I have captured myself asking God to make me feel better, but after, I still dwell on the same see, that doesn't help at all right? So I definately need to fix up right about now, strengthen myself in the Lord and again, thank God for what ever I'm feeling, and the situations. He has allowed some things to happen so I am just going to trust Him. He will finish the work He has started in me. So yhhhhh!!! I'm feeling better already after writing that! It's a nice day anyway, and I am aliive and have the priviledge of doing a LOT of things. Thank You Lord!

1 comment:

  1. “God helps those who help themselves “ is not in the Bible it is first found in the writing of Aesop who said, “The gods help them that help themselves.”


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